work with a team to create the perfect wedding, no matter what you envision


We are listening ears, consultants, organizers, stress relievers, sounding boards, personal assistants, guest herders, and sometimes even therapists and miracle workers. We know that planning a wedding is a struggle to do alone, and the reality is that everyone needs a little help - and you just found some of the best wedding event planners.


Wedding Planning

Key Features

• Talented Team

• Modern Perspectives

• Knowledgeable Experts

• Flexible Packages

See all Features

The Perfect Fit For Your Planning

Day-of Coordinator

You planned it; let us ensure it all happens. By hiring one of the best Day-Of Coordinators in your area, you can be sure that every detail you planned will be executed, and you can be a guest at your own wedding.

Wedding Coordinator

In addition to the Day-Of Coordinator package, our experienced Wedding Coordinators will provide a comprehensive and hands-on approach to assist you with budgeting, vendor selection, rehearsal dinner planning, and other crucial aspects of your wedding.


Love Stories

"The day of my wedding was perfection, and my Bellagala planner was a very big part of that. I never had to worry about something getting done because she was always two steps ahed of everyone else!"

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The Bellagala Approach

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